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World Politics  Political science

All villages are taught about the origin of political theories/ideologies and how/when/why policies are implemented. Members are also taught to defend the rights of others irrespective of what political ideology or theories they hold, and are made to understand that theories/ideologies stem from different paths to condition us in order to control our human nature as they are not designed to unite the human species.

Physiology & Anatomy

All villages are taught about their body systems which are the skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, digestive system, circulatory system, and respiratory system. Members are also taught about how/when/why they should maintain a scientific healthy standard of living that benefits in Total fitness that includes emotional fitness, mental fitness, social fitness, spiritual fitness, medical fitness, nutritional fitness, and physical fitness. The benefits of total fitness can be considered as an investment for old age.

Reasonable---- Faith---- Belief---- Religion

All villages are taught to think logically to increase their thinking capacity and strengthen their faith in a parallel approach of philosophy of religion.

Interfaith dialogue and comparative religions

All the villages are taught about the origin of all world religion and their foundational textures including their exceptional players by balancing the insider-outsider challenge to promote tolerance. Members are given a platform to discuss their attitude towards those who are devotees and wearing emblems of different religions, and to discuss challenges within their own religion as they are also encouraged to find common challenges that they may share with other religions.

The Brain The Mind The Memory


All the villages are taught about the development of the brain and how the brain is mapped, as well as how the intertwining of the brain affects our body functions or how we perceive the world.

Cross cultural sports, games and activities

All the villages are trained and taught about the games below in preparation for monthly competitions. The monthly games are a build up to our main tournament which is held during December at Babanana village where all villages are expected to participate over a period of two weeks.

1. World Religions, 2. Political theories/ideologies,3.The universal declaration of human rights,4.Gondwanaland,5.Laurasia, 6. Pangara, 7. Continets, 8. Berlin Conference, 9. African countries,10. African Languages,  11. South African Flag, 12.South African provinces, cities of  South African provinces, 14. South African languages,15. South African languages that are found in each province, 16. Origin Of Nkosi Sikelela, 17. Names of countries that Nkosi Sikelela was/is the national anthem,18. Origin of Human species, 19.The Brain The Mind The Memory, 20. Human Body Systems, 21. Season of the year and hemispheres,22.Natural food found on different seasons for each hemispheres, continents and countries. 23 UN, 24. AU, 25. Human Rights,  26. Diversity, 27. Equality,28. Inclusion, 29.Gorila’ walk, 30. Crab’ walk, 31.Scorpion’ Walk, 32.Inchworm’ walk  33. Mixed Martial Arts, 34. Tiger’ walk, 35. Chicken’ Walk, 36.Crocodile’ walk, 37.Hekele heke; 38.Ku tshayita; 39. Swivuriso; 40.Swivulavulelo; 41.Ku vatla; 42.Skhelemu/skoliyo; 43.Ku thaga; 44.Khangala; 45.Tandza; 46.Ku tlula u ambale saka; 47. Ko chova munhu ku fana na girivani; 48.Dadari dari, 49. Ku ndzhenengela, 50. Ku kandza, 51. Ku caca Huku, 52. Ku tiva mihandzu na misinya, 53. Ku durowa, 54. Ku vumba, 55.Xigubu; 56.Xibelani; 57.Ku tlhokovetsela; 58.Ncuva; 59.Mitsheketo; 60.Magava; 61.Manjanji; 62.Xincayincayi;63.Miravarava; 64.Mtshayito; 65.Xikhaba; 66.Ntsherentshere; 67.Khazi; 68.Tshatshabula; 69. Hula Hoop; 70.Timhavula; 71.Karate; 72.Boxing/misanghu; 73Marathon and  Athletics; 74.Fools ball; 75.Soccer; 76.Netball; 77.Xikece; 78.Tug of war; 79.Rugby; 80.Chess; 81.Wrestling/ ku pfinyana; 82.Gayisa;83.Kurhunga; 84.Mbhalembhale; 85.Maskaute; 86.Misawu; 87.Xiswathe; 88.Drumming;89.Ku Tlhava deme; 90.Ku ndzhinga, 91.Data Protection. 92. Infection Control, 93. Basic Life Support,  94. First Aid, 95. Fluid and nutrition, 96. Origin of participant' village; 97. OLSL News writters; 98.OLSL Book writters; 99.Miss OLSL; 100. Mr OLSL; 101. Sign Language; 102. Autism.

If your native sports, games and cultural activities are not listed above please feel very free to contact the site administrator to enlist them.







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