Our Life-Simple Life Project
Our life-simple life (OLSL) is a growing and promising non-profit organisation that is based at Babanana village, forty kilometres away from Tzaneen in Limpopo Province South Africa.
The organisation’s main objectives are to:
Unite human species through social health care, education, sport, arts and culture by spreading scholastic approach of Physiology and Anatomy, Psychology and counselling, World religion, Ritual and religion in prehistory, Philosophy of religion, and Political science.
Encourages communities from different villages, towns, cities, and countries through Social health care, education, sport, art and culture to engage in trading ideas to accept and tolerate those who hold different views from others.
Assist all vulnerable groups in the community to spend their leisure time effectively.
Fight against substance abuse.
Encourage integration and collaboration of different ethical, traditions, religious, cultural and political groups.
Provide care and awareness on Autism, dementia, epilepsy, stroke and related conditions.
Promote more community involvement in agriculture and or sustainable livelihood.
. OLSL exists exists in UK through SA Diaspora.
Donations in the form of facilities, sporting and recreational equipment, finances and or any other resources are welcomed. Your contributions are always valued and treasured.
-we want everyone to realise the power of unity through sport
-To create a harmonious world where everyone including the coming generations to experience the power of nature through sport.
-To intertwine the elders, parents, and children from different villages, towns, cities and countries to have solidarity through sport.
-To unite people irrespective of race, gender, language, status/background, religion, politics, and geographical location.
-To help individuals to accept others.
-To help individuals understand why they are the way they are.
- To help individuals understand the physiological changes as they grow.
- To help individuals understand why things are the way they are in this world .
-To promote health related behaviors.
-To help individuals understand how psychological stress can affect them physically.
-To help individuals understand their diet.
-To help individuals chooses paths and become an actor as each path has its own destination.
-To help individuals understand why history is important to bring change and improves our lives.
-To advise individuasl to consider changing themselves instead of changing the environment.
- To help individuasl manage and cope with stress.
-To help individuals realise the Benefits of health related behaviors